Royal jelly

Royal jelly
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Royal jelly considered a valuable product of beekeeping, and it costs more expensive than honey.Royal jelly is the secretion of allotrophic glands of young bees. Bees feed larvae and their queen with it. Royal jelly in consistence is creamy mass, opaque, milky white. It tastes sourish, it smells like honey.

Larvae are fed with royal jelly only the first three days of their life, but the queen always eats royal jelly. It is a strong antiseptic, contains a large number of nutrients and useful elements. That is why the duration of the life of the uterus exceeds the life of ordinary bees by 20 times.

The chemical composition of royal jelly is complex. It depends on many aspects, such as the age of the larvae, the time of collection, storage, and so on.

It consists of 400 biologically active substances. It should be noted the main:

• water - about 65%;

• proteins - 15-18%;

• carbohydrates - 12-19%;

• fats - 3-6%;

• nucleic and organic acids;

• 22 amino acids;

• vitamins;

• about 100 macro- and microelements;

• hormones;

• enzymes;

• phytoncides;

• immunoglobulins;

• acetylcholine and other components.

Not all the components that make up this amazing substance are studied by science.

Proteins of royal jelly are well absorbed by the human body, because they are similar to proteins of serum. A deoxyribonucleic acid in its composition improves the regeneration of cells and this causes a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Beneficial effect has on:

• the nervous system (improves brain activity, mindfulness, vision and memory, improves sleep);

• cardiovascular system (normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, prevents blood clots and cholesterol plaques, prevents atherosclerosis);

• digestive system (improves appetite, accelerates metabolism, improves digestion);

• Immunity;

• musculoskeletal system;

• endocrine system (normalizes the hormonal background, improves the reproductive system of women and men, treatment of autoimmune diseases);

• respiratory system;

• genitourinary system (infertility treatment (women and men), increases potency, reduces menopause, reduces the risk of miscarriage, stimulates the formation of milk in lactating women);

• metabolism (helps to cleanse the body of toxins, quickens tissue renewal, improves skin, hair, nails).

Royal jelly has antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral and bactericidal properties. It helps to eliminate the effects of radiation exposure, and is also used in the treatment of cancer.


• individual intolerance;

• acute phase of infectious diseases;

• Addison's disease;

• Arterial hypertension in severe varieties;

• recently suffered heart attack or stroke;

• High blood coagulability.

Mode of application:

Place the milk under the tongue and dissolve. The daily dosage is 100-500 mg, depending on the disease. Take milk should be 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. Usually the treatment course lasts 1-2 months. Be sure to consult a doctor.

You can use it outwardly: in the form of wraps, rinses, baths, masks.


Пункт самовывоза г. Ташкент, улица А.Темура, 107Б

Доставка курьером

При заказе от 1 000 000 сум бесплатная доставка.

При заказе меньше 1 000 000 сум доставка будет стоить 500 сум.

Новым партнёрам, заинтересованным в сотрудничестве, первая доставка бесплатная при сумме заказа от 300 000 сум.

При доставке за пределы Ташкента стоимость километра составляет 1000сум.

Оплата может быть произведена любым удобным для покупателя способом: как безналичными переводами, так и наличными денежными средствами.

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