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Honeycomb capping is the upper part or "cap" of sealed honeycombs, consisting of wax, secretion of salivary glands, enzymes, pollen, royal jelly and propolis, which are an indicator of the quality of honey, its ripeness. Color of honeycomb capping differs depending on the weather, the time of year, as well as the type of bees. Honeycomb capping can be dark brown and also non-transparent white.

Honeycomb capping is not only a wax, it noticeably outperforms beeswax! The sweetish product crumbles into small pieces when it is chewed. Honeycomb capping is widely used in folk medicine for a long time.


Chemical composition:


 The basis of honeycomb capping is beeswax, which contains free fatty acids, carbohydrates, saturated hydrocarbons, various ethers, aromatic and coloring substances, mineral compounds, organic acids and carotene. For a long time the origin of wax remained a mystery. Wax is produced by bees, in the body of which there are complex biochemical processes. Honey is converted into wax by converting carbohydrates into esters, fatty acids - in hydrocarbons.

Scientists for a long time study the properties and qualities of wax. Bee wax contains hydrocarbons, organic, carbonic and hydroxycarboxylic acids, esters and many others. It is indicated the presence of about 700 esters and hundreds of other compounds and substances.

The chemical composition of honeycomb capping is very unstable, but always includes vitamins B, C, A, E, chitin, protein, micro- and macro elements, carbohydrates, enzymes, essential oils, resins, balsams and fats.


Properties and application:


Honeycomb capping has many properties: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, biostimulating, anesthetic. Chewing the honeycomb capping increases salivation. Secretion and motility of the gastrointestinal tract become more active. It also promotes disinfection of the oral cavity, massage and mechanical cleaning of the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth, improvement of the cardiovascular system and normalization of the intestinal microflora.

It is also used to treat and prevent hay fever, allergic reactions, pollinosis, bronchial asthma - it has a desensitizing effect. They treat sciatica and joint diseases. It is useful to chew when tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, influenza and to prevent bacterial and viral infections.

Honeycomb capping is recommended for use on a tablespoon several times a day, the remainder of the wax after chewing is thrown out, but its ingestion is not dangerous, it can cause a laxative effect.

Present in honeycomb capping lysozyme provides protection for bees due to antibacterial properties.

Lysozyme has antibacterial activity, the most evident against gram-positive microorganisms, enhances the action of antibiotics of various groups, has an immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic effect, stimulates regeneration and hematopoiesis. It is not toxic, does not have a local irritant and other side effects (from the drug's instructions).

There are lots of useful and irreplaceable substances in honeycomb honey and honeycomb capping. Today scientists have not synthesized any of the bee products in the laboratory! A large number of components are not identified and have no names.


Пункт самовывоза г. Ташкент, улица А.Темура, 107Б

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