Dead bees

Dead bees
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50 000 сум
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В корзину

Bees live in a swarm, which consists of a queen, drones and working bees. Queen and working bees, female, are the main ones in the swarm. Drones are male. Each individual performs its function. The basis of the swarm is the queen; the duration of its life is up to 5 years. She lays eggs.

Drones live very little, after insemination of the queen, they can not live.

Working bees live about 2 months in summer and up to 8 months in winter. Swarm is always updated.

Dead bees on properties and composition are unique.

Chemical composition:

- Chitosan,




- amino acids,


- bee venom, which consists of 9 protein substances, peptides, 18 amino acids, histamine, fatty substances, stearins, carbohydrates, minerals, etc.

 27 elements were detected: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ka, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, U, V, Zn and Zr ..

The basis is a chitin, a linear polysaccharide.

Chitosan and melanin complexes possess:

- regenerating ability. Heals burns, wounds and ulcers without leaving scars, have hemostatic and analgesic effect.

-release fats and cholesterol;

- strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

-clean the intestines, normalizes the microflora, the acidity of the gastric juice, has antiulcer action, reduces the absorption of toxins;

-improves metabolism;

-increases immunity and improves immune responses;

-has radioprotective properties;

- improves the body's resistance to unfavorable conditions;

-protects against viruses and bacteria,

-depress the activity of some harmful microorganisms;

-anti-inflammatory properties;

- normalizes blood pressure;

- improves the condition of the vessels, namely, it is used in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and cerebral vessels;

- reduces the load on the liver.

Dead bees have antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants neutralize toxic substances, thereby contributing to the slowing down of aging.

Dead bees have beneficial effect on the whole organism.


Пункт самовывоза г. Ташкент, улица А.Темура, 107Б

Доставка курьером

При заказе от 1 000 000 сум бесплатная доставка.

При заказе меньше 1 000 000 сум доставка будет стоить 500 сум.

Новым партнёрам, заинтересованным в сотрудничестве, первая доставка бесплатная при сумме заказа от 300 000 сум.

При доставке за пределы Ташкента стоимость километра составляет 1000сум.

Оплата может быть произведена любым удобным для покупателя способом: как безналичными переводами, так и наличными денежными средствами.

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