Drone milk

Drone milk
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Drone milk (homogenate) is produced by pressing the brood of bee drones. It is a transparent, thick mass, slightly viscous, light yellow and with a special sweet and sour taste and smell. Its composition is similar to royal jelly by 50%. Homogenate of drone larvae has a health and rejuvenating effect. It contains hormones, natural testosterones, extradiol and progesterone.


Protein (10 to 20%),

-to 5% carbohydrates,

-from 5 to 6,3% of fats,

-11.4% of amino acids.

There are quite may microelements and vitamins: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and potassium and vitamins B6, B5, B3, B2, B1, A and E.

Hormones that are in the homogenate, affect the endocrine system, restore it.

It also contains phytosterols, they prevent the formation of cholesterol.

This product:

- tonic effect;

- restores metabolism;

 - feed the tissues;

- stabilizes the pressure;

- regulates the tone of the vascular system;

- reduces cholesterol in the blood;

- a large number of steroid hormones stimulates the activity of the gonads, accelerates the recovery of testes and the prostate gland, thereby restoring men’s sexual dysfunction;

- increases efficiency;

-effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases;

- establishes the work of the central nervous system;

is a natural immunomodulator.

Applied with diseases of the endocrine system (hypothyroidism), disfunctions of the reproductive system, prostatitis, adenoma of the prostate, infertility (male and female), metabolic disorders, stress, chronic fatigue, metabolic disorders, hormonal disbalance, menopause, atherosclerosis.

There is a general strengthening effect on the entire body for children, increases appetite, improves memory and attention, improves sleep.

Possessing anti-inflammatory and tonic properties, the homogenate of drone larvae is used in cosmetology to purify the skin of the face and restore damaged hair. Masks of milk jelly are the most effective for skin rejuvenation. In pregnancy, lotion milk jelly helps to avoid stretch marks on the abdomen.

Contraindication is an individual intolerance.


Пункт самовывоза г. Ташкент, улица А.Темура, 107Б

Доставка курьером

При заказе от 1 000 000 сум бесплатная доставка.

При заказе меньше 1 000 000 сум доставка будет стоить 500 сум.

Новым партнёрам, заинтересованным в сотрудничестве, первая доставка бесплатная при сумме заказа от 300 000 сум.

При доставке за пределы Ташкента стоимость километра составляет 1000сум.

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