Bee bread

Bee bread
  • 100гр
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50 000 сум
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В корзину

For the life of a bee family, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and other elements are needed. Bees especially need them in spring. All these substances they receive from the pollen of plants.

Being on the flowers, bees are literally strewn with pollen. They rub off the pollen from the body, moisten it with nectar and secretions of the salivary glands and form a lot of pollen in the baskets – pollen bread. To collect this amount of pollen, a bee visits from 200 to 500 flowers.

Bees bring pollen bread to the hive, store in honeycomb cells, compact it with head and pour with honey. During the long-term storage in the cells, pollen is subjected to lactic fermentation with the formation of lactic acid, which protects the pollen from spoilage. Thus, after a complex enzymatic process, pollen and honey form bee bread. This is a different product, one can not equate pollen and bee bread, because the composition of pollen and bee bread is different.

Progunkov V.V. "Flower conveyor of the South of the Far East". The journal "Beekeeping", №2, 2011г.

The appearance, color, taste and chemical composition of bee bread depends on the plants from which the pollen was collected. Collecting pollen from various plants, bees receive a biologically active complex, which contains all the substances necessary for the full growth and development of bees.

The color of bee bread is various, yellow with brown, gray, orange, green and blue particles, and the taste is spicy.

Chemical composition:

- proteins;

-retinol (vitamin A) is useful for vision;

-calciferol (vitamin D), responsible for the formation and strength of bones;

-tocopherol (vitamin E) protects membrane lipids from oxidative damage;

-vitamin C;

-vitamin B;

- linolenic, linoleic, arachidonic acid (precursors of hormones regulating the activity of the male reproductive system);

all amino acids (for example, arginine, serine, tryptophan, glutamic acid, lysine).

Due to biologically active components, bee bread has the following properties:


-stimulates the metabolism;

- antioxidant;

- reduces the level of cholesterol;

-regulates hormonal activity;

- increases hemoglobin, increases the number of erythrocytes, reduces ESR, the number of leukocytes;

- improvement of liver function;

-antimicrobial action against gram-negative bacteria;

-normalizes lipid metabolism;

-normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

- strengthens capillaries, improves microcirculation;

- normalizes blood pressure, has antiarrhythmic and anti-bradycardic effect;

- promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues;

- wound healing effect;

-increases appetite;

-improves the adaptation of the organism to various factors;

-radioprotective effect.

You can take bee bread for the prevention of a shortage of vitamins, substances necessary for the body, to improve metabolism, improve immunity. The course lasts two months twice a year.

Time of reception: it is recommended to take bee bread after half an hour after breakfast, slowly resolve.

For children: ½ tsp. in a day.

Can be mixed with honey, mush.

Adults: 1 tsp. in a day.


Пункт самовывоза г. Ташкент, улица А.Темура, 107Б

Доставка курьером

При заказе от 1 000 000 сум бесплатная доставка.

При заказе меньше 1 000 000 сум доставка будет стоить 500 сум.

Новым партнёрам, заинтересованным в сотрудничестве, первая доставка бесплатная при сумме заказа от 300 000 сум.

При доставке за пределы Ташкента стоимость километра составляет 1000сум.

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