Mountain honey

Mountain honey
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Of all the varieties of honey, the most useful and popular is mountain honey.
This product is environmentally friendly, as its nectar is collected in the foothills and at the foot of the mountains, and this in turn is the main confirmation of quality natural honey. About 50 different herbs are used as honey- plants for this kind of honey. Nectar of mountain honey is collected by bees from such rare flowers as thyme, sage, chestnut, melissa, hawthorn, oregano, and other plants.The color of this kind is not monotonous. From pale yellow and milky to dark brown, amber. Honey aroma is tender and odorous with the taste of a flower. Viscosity is liquid. Has the property of hardening.

How to distinguish natural mountain honey.  

Natural honey has a tart, sweetish taste. Color- dark.

Composition and properties.

The composition of mountain honey is rich and saturated with such microelements as: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur. Among the vitamins: B, C, E, and PP. By property slowly crystallizes.

 Mountain honey varieties.                To date, the following types of mountain honey are known: Caucasian, Montenegrin, Altai, Chestnut, Wild.The most widely spread honey is Altai. Rare-found-Wild (collected in the southern Urals). Montenegrin honey has a fragrant taste.

 Useful properties.

Mountain honey due to the presence of a huge amount of microelements and vitamins is indispensable in the prevention of influenza and colds. It is easily absorbed by the body. This unique natural remedy replaces the antibiotic. And it also improves immunity, relieves stress, and helps the body regain strength after severe colds and heavy physical exertion.

Honey differs in medical and cosmetic properties. As a cosmetic product, honey is no less effective. Its application has a positive effect on the structure of hair, facial complexion, heals traces of wounds, cracks of small scratches. Helps with burns. It is contained in creams, masks, shampoos, balms, and scrubs.


 For medical purposes, its spectrum is much wider and more interesting

  -Lower fever heat;

 - improves and protects the immune system;

 - eliminates anemia;

 - removes toxins and slags from the body;

 - improves the digestive system;

 - disease of gastritis, ulcers;

 - gynecological diseases (improves reproductive activity in men and women);

 - eye diseases (conjunctivitis, barley);

 - prevention of heart disease;

 - replenish a lack of iodine;

-  problems with overweight;

Application dosage.

 It is not recommended to abuse this product. Eat it on an empty stomach or one hour before bedtime, 1 st. spoon. You can use it both in pure form, and with water.


Allergic people, diabetics, pregnant women, children under 3 years old should avoid using it.  People who suffer from bronchial asthma should take this product with caution.


Пункт самовывоза г. Ташкент, улица А.Темура, 107Б

Доставка курьером

При заказе от 1 000 000 сум бесплатная доставка.

При заказе меньше 1 000 000 сум доставка будет стоить 500 сум.

Новым партнёрам, заинтересованным в сотрудничестве, первая доставка бесплатная при сумме заказа от 300 000 сум.

При доставке за пределы Ташкента стоимость километра составляет 1000сум.

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