Natural honey

Cotton honey 30 000 сум
Cotton honey, known as "white honey", is highly valued for its medicinal properties. Today it is among the best and rare varieties. This honey is obtained from cotton. The place of nectar collection is Central Asia, particularly Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. Its main distinguishing feature is the vegetable oil content and high caloric value.
  • 0,5кг
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Ferula assafoetlda 30 000 сум
Not every day you can hear about honey from Ferula, asafetida (Ferula assafoetlda L.). This is one of the rare and most useful types of honey and has unusually valuable healing properties. And all thanks to the honey plant, which is not only unique, but even endowed with almost magical properties.
  • 0,5кг
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Flower Honey 30 000 сум
In beekeepers interviews, "What sort of honey is the rarest and exclusive?" The answer was unanimous: "Undoubtedly, Flower Honey!" Early spring nectar is collected by bees in mid-May-early June. The period of the heyday of oak, alder, maple, coltsfoot, willow, bird cherry, clover, dandelion, and other plants.
  • 0,5кг
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Honey from a camel thorn 45 000 сум
Honey from a camel thorn is considered a rare royal variety and very few people know about its true healing properties. Such honey is obtained from flowers of camel's thorn (Jantak) which grows mainly in the regions of Central and Minor Asia in the deserts of Kara Kum and Kyzyl Kum. Despite the fact that the plant of camel thorn has not particularly attractive look, its medicinal properties are striking.
  • 0,5кг
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Honey in combs 50 000 сум
Honey in honeycombs (comb honey) is honey, sealed in honeycombs. Cells are covered with wax lids, so honey is considered sterile. If you follow the rules of storage, the honey inside is liquid, because propolis has the properties of a preservative. Such characteristics as color, taste and smell vary depending on the plants from which the bees collected pollen and nectar. Comb honey is considered the most useful, it retains all the enzymes and nutrients.
  • 0,5кг
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Mountain honey 34 000 сум
Of all the varieties of honey, the most useful and popular is mountain honey. This product is environmentally friendly, as its nectar is collected in the foothills and at the foot of the mountains, and this in turn is the main confirmation of quality natural honey. About 50 different herbs are used as honey- plants for this kind of honey.
  • 0,5кг
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Steppe honey 30 000 сум
Steppe honey refers to varieties of polyfloral honey. It is also known as feral (meadow), polyfloral honey. Why it is called "steppe». The fact is that the nectar of this product is collected from different plants of the steppe during their flowering period. It is usually late May to early June.
  • 0,5кг
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